News and Events

EuroISPA regrets Plenary vote on Copyright

Strasbourg, 12 September 2018 – EuroISPA regrets the outcome…
12/09/2018/by Secretariat

Terrorist Content Online: EuroISPA concerned as Commission privatises law enforcement

Brussels, 12 September 2018- Less than one week after the…
12/09/2018/by Secretariat

Copyright Vote – EuroISPA’s recommendations

Brussels, 11 September 2018 – Tomorrow, the European Parliament…
11/09/2018/by Secretariat

Copyright Directive: European Parliament listens to civil society and industry and rejects JURI report

Brussels, 5 July 2018 – Today, the European Parliament rejected…
05/07/2018/by Secretariat

E-Evidence: EuroISPA adopts Position Paper

Brussels, 3 July 2018-  EuroISPA is the voice of the European…
03/07/2018/by Secretariat

Copyright Directive: EuroISPA urges MEPs to reject JURI Committee’s negotiation mandate  

Brussels, 20 June 2018 – Today, the European Parliament’s…
20/06/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA supports #SaveYourInternet Action Day

Brussels, 12 June 2018 - On 20-21 June, the European Parliament…
12/06/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA signs joint industry letter on the future of the ePrivacy Regulation

Ahead of the 8 June TTE Council, EuroISPA and 56 other national…
31/05/2018/by Secretariat

Copyright Directive: EuroISPA criticises Council position and urges EP to adopt a targeted approach

Brussels, 25 May 2018 – Today, the Bulgarian Presidency was…
25/05/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA partners with Council of Europe to protect fundamental freedoms online

Strasbourg, 23 May 2018 – EuroISPA and the Council of Europe…
24/05/2018/by Secretariat

Czech media and technological house joins EuroISPA

Brussels – 7 May 2018: The European Internet Services Providers…
07/05/2018/by Secretariat

Moldovan ICT Association ATIC becomes first ever EuroISPA observer

Brussels – 7 May 2018: The Moldovan ICT Association ATIC has…
07/05/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA co-signs letter with 145 organisations asking the EU Council not to rush negotiations on the Copyright Directive

Brussels, 26 April 2018-  EuroISPA has co-signed a letter with…
26/04/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on AI, but warns that an unbalanced ePrivacy reform might stifle innovation

Brussels, 25 April 2018- EuroISPA, the pan-European association…
25/04/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA sceptical about EU Commission’s plan to task vigilantes with guarding the Internet

Brussels, 1st March 2018: Upon the adoption of the European Commission’s…
01/03/2018/by Secretariat

Marking Safer Internet Day 2018

Brussels, 6 February 2018- To mark Safer Internet Day 2018, the…
06/02/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA: Rule of Law must not be sacrificed in fight against illegal content online

Brussels, 28 September 2017- EU lawmakers must not sacrifice…
31/01/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA Letter to EU Council Intellectual Working Party on Satellite & Cable Regulation

Brussels, 10 January 2018- In the context of upcoming inter-institutional…
10/01/2018/by Secretariat

EuroISPA: National authorities must retain primary role in cross-border cybercrime investigations

Brussels, 30 October 2017- The primacy of national courts and…
02/11/2017/by Secretariat

EuroISPA stresses need to preserve rule of law online, in address to OSCE-COE Internet Freedom conference

Brussels, 24th October 2017- The rule of law must not be sacrificed…
24/10/2017/by Secretariat

Increasing liability pressure on Internet intermediaries risks undermining the Digital Single Market achievements

Brussels - 10.05.2017: The increasing pressure upon Internet…
10/05/2017/by Secretariat

EuroISPA 20th year anniversary cocktail

EuroISPA, the voice of the European Internet industry, is delighted…
04/05/2017/by Secretariat

EuroISPA Annual Report 2016

This year EuroISPA celebrates its 20th year of existence as the…
15/03/2017/by Secretariat

Marking Safer Internet Day 2017

Brussels – 07.02.2017: To mark Safer Internet Day 2017, the…
07/02/2017/by Secretariat

EuroISPA statement to mark 2017 Data Protection Day

Internet Services Providers have a crucial interest in ensuring…
27/01/2017/by Secretariat

EuroISPA signs joint industry letter on Free Flow of Data

Brussels - 15.11.16: EuroISPA has signed a joint industry letter…
15/11/2016/by Secretariat

Restoring legal certainty to transatlantic data transfers will boost digital innovation in the EU and US

Brussels - 12.07.2016: Today’s official adoption of the Privacy…
12/07/2016/by Secretariat

Empowering trust and innovation by repealing the e-Privacy Directive

Brussels, 5 July 2016 – The tech and telecom industries call…
05/07/2016/by Secretariat

EuroISPA response to European Commission consultation on ancillary copyright and the ‘panorama’ exception

Ahead of the upcoming legislative revision of the EU Copyright…
16/06/2016/by Secretariat

EuroISPA Annual Report 2015

An overview of EuroISPA's activities and achievements in 2015.

26/05/2016/by Secretariat