EuroISPA supports #SaveYourInternet Action Day
Brussels, 12 June 2018 – On 20-21 June, the European Parliament will vote on the Copyright Directive, which currently features provisions mandating online platforms to install upload filters.
Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive reform risks hurting the European Internet industry and its users. To avoid costly fines, online platforms will tend to over-block lawful content, therefore endangering European users’ fundamental freedoms. Furthermore, installing such filters will constitute a severe burden for small and medium size providers, which constitute the majority of EuroISPA’s membership.
This is why EuroISPA supports the #SaveYourInternet campaign: digital rights organisations, businesses, and users alike are mobilising to call on MEPs to vote against Article 13 and the potentially highly detrimental impact this provision would have on the internet.
To support the campaign and contact directly your MEP, through Twitter or by email, please go to