News and Events

EuroISPA on Internet governance

The summary of EuroISPA's response to the European Commission's targeted consultation on Internet governance.
20/01/2025/by Elena

EuroISPA signs open letter in response to the Going Dark report

The High-Level Group “Going Dark” presented its final report and recommends maximum access for
law enforcement to personal data. In an open letter we now warn of the dangers for digital security
and privacy if that agenda is followed.
13/12/2024/by Elena

PRESS RELEASE: EuroISPA elects new leadership at General Meeting

Elina Ussa (FiCom) reconfirmed as President, Dalia Coffetti (AIIP) joins Lars Steffen (eco), Alex de Joode (AMS-IX) and Romain Bonenfant (FFTélécoms) as Officer of the EuroISPA Board.
21/11/2024/by Elena

Achieving sustainability in Europe’s digital sector

EuroISPA's new position paper on sustainability
13/11/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA signs joint industry statement on data processing for AI model training

EuroISPA signs joint industry statement on the upcoming European Data Protection Board Opinion on data processing for AI model training.
05/11/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA reacts to the 42 Recommendations of the High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement

EuroISPA reacts to the 42 Recommendations of the High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement
31/10/2024/by Elena

Data Retention Rules in Belgium: uncertainty remains after third Constitutional Court ruling

In this blogpost by our member ISPA Belgium, we navigate the latest developments on data retention rules in Belgium, after a key ruling of the Belgian Constitutional Court might change the legal landscape surrounding the issue.
08/10/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA General Meeting in Brussels: a recap

On September 23-24, EuroISPA offices gathered Council and Forum members, Board Officers and Secretariat for the third General Meeting of 2024. Here is a recap of what happened.
03/10/2024/by Elena

PRESS RELEASE: EuroISPA welcomes new member, Whalebone

The EuroISPA community expands with the addition of its newest Industry Forum member, Czech network security provider Whalebone.
25/09/2024/by Elena

PRESS RELEASE: Point Topic joins EuroISPA, the world’s largest association of ISPs, to foster cooperation on European digital policy development

EuroISPA welcomes broadband market intelligence house Point Topic as it joins its Industry Forum.
10/09/2024/by Elena

Draft regulation on payment services: effective fight against bank fraud requires the continuous cooperation of all parties

In this blogpost, EuroISPA Board Member Romain Bonenfant gives his take on how to effectively fight bank fraud while safeguarding electronic communications providers, in the context of the EU's draft regulation on payment services.
26/08/2024/by Elena

Joint Industry Request to Extend Deadline for Trustworthy General-Purpose AI Consultation

Alongside 10 other trade associations, EuroISPA urges the European Commission and its AI Office to extend the deadline for responses to the consultation on trustworthy general-purpose AI (GPAI).
08/08/2024/by Elena

EU Payments Services Regulation: EuroISPA’s opinion

The proposed EU Payments Services Regulation is currently being discussed inside the walls of the Council of the EU: read our opinion on this worrisome policy file.
08/07/2024/by Elena

“How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” – EuroISPA’s feedback to the European Commission’s White Paper

EuroISPA responded to the European Commission's public consultation on the White Paper "How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs?" in the name of European Internet Services Providers (ISPs).
02/07/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA General Meeting in Rome: a recap

EuroISPA traveled to Rome on June 27-28 for the second General Meeting of 2024, gathering Council and Forum members, Board Officers and Secretariat. Here is a recap of what happened.
01/07/2024/by Elena

For the future of the Internet, EU policy needs to focus on digital infrastructure

In our latest blogpost, EuroISPA President Elina Ussa reflects on the needs of digital infrastructure actors in view of the upcoming EU elections.
04/06/2024/by Elena

Joint industry call for protecting encryption in the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation

Together with other industry associations, EuroISPA is calling on EU Member States to preserve the integrity of end-to-end encryption in the hashtag Child Sexual Abuse Regulation.
03/06/2024/by Elena

Collaborative Strategies in Combating Online Piracy

In our latest blogpost, Wouter Van Zwieten from our Forum Member Worldstream guides us through their strategy to combat online piracy and the importance of industry-wide cooperation.
06/05/2024/by Elena

Charting the Connectivity Landscape: challenges, investments, and the EU’s vision for a digital future

In our latest blogpost, EuroISPA Board Member Romain Bonenfant explains the EU connectivity landscape and the challenges ahead.
25/04/2024/by Elena

Cybersecurity in the EU: Milestones, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

In our latest blogpost, Andreas Gruber, former Chair of our Cybercrime & Cybersecurity Committee, maps the EU cybersecurity landscape and the key legislative files.
15/04/2024/by Elena

Navigating the future: regulatory streamlining of electronic communications in the European Union

In our latest blogpost, Jaromir Novak from our member CZ.NIC illustrates what we can expect from the next mandate of European policymakers in the field of electronic communications.
08/04/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA publishes Position Paper on Data Retention

This paper on Data Retention is a testament to EuroISPA’s collective dedication to identifying the practical, operational and economic consequences and challenges of data retention, and proposing a list of imperative requirements to provide guidance on how to achieve the right balance between the interests and obligations of all parties involved.
03/04/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA General Meeting in London: a recap

EuroISPA traveled to London on March 14-15 for the first General Meeting on 2024, gathering Council and Forum members, Board Officers and Secretariat. Here is a recap of what happened.
25/03/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA publishes Position Paper on Artificial Intelligence

This paper is a testament to EuroISPA’s collective dedication to shaping a future where AI serves as a force for good, and highlights principles that should be considered for current and future regulatory frameworks on AI, including by the European Union.
20/03/2024/by Elena

What does Artificial Intelligence mean for the Internet Industry, now and in the future?

In our latest blogpost, EuroISPA Vice-President Lars Steffen illustrates how Artificial Intelligence will fundamentally change the landscape of the Internet industry.
13/03/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA Annual Policy Report 2023 – Brussels Outlook 2024

EuroISPA publishes its Annual Policy Report 2023 – Brussels Outlook 2024.
Read the report to gain insights on EuroISPA's policy work in 2023, and its vision for what 2024 holds for the European ISP industry.
04/03/2024/by Elena

A Week of Collaboration and Insights: EuroISPA’s Recent Activities

EuroISPA's office has been buzzing with activity over the past week. From internal meetings to engaging discussions with members and industry stakeholders, the association has been actively shaping its strategy and addressing crucial issues in the dynamic landscape of the EU Internet industry.
07/02/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA and other tech trade associations and NGOs jointly call on policymakers for a swift adoption of the ePrivacy derogation extension

EuroISPA and a coalition of more than 50 tech trade associations and organisations defending children rights publish a joint call on the proposal laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.
23/01/2024/by Elena

EuroISPA General Meeting: 2023 wrap-up and 2024 outlook

The General Meeting of November 30th and December 1st was the ideal setting to wrap up the work done in 2023 and set the tone for the year ahead, between European elections and ever-changing topics and debates in EU digital policy.
08/12/2023/by Elena

EuroISPA elects new Board Officers: new leadership and November General Meeting highlights

Lars Steffen, Head of International, Digital Infrastructures & Resilience at eco – Association of the Internet Industry, was unanimously elected Vice-President, while Romain Bonenfant, Managing Director at FFTélécoms, was appointed Board Member. They join President Elina Ussa (FiCom) and Treasurer Alex De Joode (AMS-IX) who are already one year into their mandate, in leading the Association’s work until the end of 2024.
06/12/2023/by Elena