A few words about us

EuroISPA is a pan European association of European Internet Services Providers Associations (ISPAs). It is the world’s largest association of Internet Services Providers (ISPs), representing over 3,300 ISPs across the EU and EFTA countries – including ISPs from Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK.

The association was established in 1997 to represent the European ISP industry on EU policy and legislative issues and to facilitate the exchange of best-practices between national ISP associations. Its secretariat is located in Brussels.

EuroISPA is recognised as the voice of the European ISP industry and is the largest ‘umbrella’ association of Internet Services Providers in the world. EuroISPA’s success to date is due to the fact that it reflects the views of ISPs of all sizes from across its member base.


EuroISPA on Internet governance

The summary of EuroISPA's response to the European Commission's targeted consultation on Internet governance.

EuroISPA signs open letter in response to the Going Dark report

The High-Level Group “Going Dark” presented its final report and recommends maximum access for law enforcement to personal data. In an open letter we now warn of the dangers for digital security and privacy if that agenda is followed.

PRESS RELEASE: EuroISPA elects new leadership at General Meeting

Elina Ussa (FiCom) reconfirmed as President, Dalia Coffetti (AIIP) joins Lars Steffen (eco), Alex de Joode (AMS-IX) and Romain Bonenfant (FFTélécoms) as Officer of the EuroISPA Board.

Achieving sustainability in Europe’s digital sector

EuroISPA's new position paper on sustainability

more than 3300

represented ISPs across the EU and EFTA countries


Established in 1997


Council Members