Platform communication opens door to renewed dialogue on improving the fight against illegal content online
The European Commission has today delivered a strong endorsement…
24/05/2016/by SecretariatAdoption of new EU Data Protection rules a key milestone for the Digital Single Market
The adoption today of new EU data protection rules constitute…
14/04/2016/by SecretariatEuroISPA elects Dr Maximilian Schubert as new Vice-President
Brussels – 11.04.2015: The European Internet Services Providers…
11/04/2016/by SecretariatIn public Wi-Fi case, European Court of Justice takes significant step forward for the information society
Brussels - 16.03.2016: Today the European Court of Justice took…
16/03/2016/by SecretariatPrivacy Shield: Draft Adequacy Decision an important step on road to restoring trust and certainty in data transfers
Brussels - 29.02.2016: Today’s publication of the draft Privacy…
29/02/2016/by SecretariatEuroISPA statement on proposed Directive on Combatting Terrorism
Brussels - 22 February 2016 : EuroISPA members take the misuse…
22/02/2016/by SecretariatSafer Internet Day: Encouraging progress made as ISPs continue efforts to create safer online experience
Brussels - 09.02.2016: To mark Safer Internet Day 2016, the European…
08/02/2016/by SecretariatEuroISPA: Privacy Shield political agreement is a step in the right direction
Brussels - 03.02.2015: EuroISPA has been supportive of the efforts…
03/02/2016/by SecretariatEuroISPA adds Dutch ICT association to boost Internet sector’s EU-level representation
Brussels - 01.02.2016: The European Internet Services Providers…
01/02/2016/by SecretariatMEPs make crucial call to protect Digital Single Market’s key legislative infrastructure
Brussels - 19.01.2016: The European Parliament’s new report…
20/01/2016/by SecretariatContent Portability proposal encouraging, but greater ambition required to modernise copyright
Brussels, 09.12.2015 - In order to realise the aims of the Digital…
09/12/2015/by SecretariatLegal clarity essential in the fight against radicalisation online
Brussels 26.11.2015 - The fight against radicalisation is one…
27/11/2015/by SecretariatSafe Harbour 2.0 must serve dual goals of innovation and data protection
07 October - On Wednesday the Court of Justice of the European…
07/10/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA brings EU policymakers and industry together to discuss progress in efforts to create a safer Internet
Brussels, June 19 - On the morning of June 17, EuroISPA brought…
19/06/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA in South Korea to promote innovation-friendly intermediary liability environment
Brussels, 01 June 2015 - EuroISPA President Oliver Süme was…
01/06/2015/by SecretariatStakeholders briefed on key intermediary liability issues at EuroISPA BOZAR event
The exhibition space of Brussels’ BOZAR EXPO was the scene…
18/05/2015/by SecretariatSuccess of DSM strategy will depend on innovation-friendly intermediary liability environment
Tomorrow's publication of the Commission’s Digital Single Market…
05/05/2015/by SecretariatJoint Stakeholder statement on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Att: Delegations to the Commission on Science and Technology…
05/05/2015/by SecretariatNew data on performance of Hotlines highlight their essential role in creating a safer Internet for children
New data on the performance of European Internet Hotlines has…
22/04/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA: Proposed NIS Directive text could hamper creation of a true digital single market
The proposed Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive…
20/04/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA welcomes launch of Get Online Week 2015
EuroISPA welcomes the launch of Get Online Week 2015, an initiative…
25/03/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA Officer vows to drive digital transformation forward after election to European Internet Forum board
European Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA) Officer…
18/03/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA President discusses future of Internet governance at IEEE summit
EuroISPA has been an active contributor to high-level discussions…
16/03/2015/by SecretariatAdvances in fight against online child abuse at risk after Parliament resolution
In a resolution adopted in Plenary today, the European Parliament…
11/03/2015/by SecretariatFuture of national Hotlines hangs in the balance as MEPs vote on CSAM Resolution
The very existence of Hotlines dedicated to fighting Child Sexual…
09/03/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA briefs MEPs on copyright in the digital era
Copyright is just one of the many fundamental rights of EU citizens,…
09/03/2015/by SecretariatDigital Economy and Society Index highlights enabling role of Internet Sector in European economy
The European Internet Service Providers Association (EuroISPA)…
26/02/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA outlines state of play for European Internet industry at Steam Telecommunications Arena
The coming years will be crucial for the Internet and telecom…
13/02/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA highlights importance of self-regulation in ensuring a safe Internet environment
The European Internet Service Providers Association marked the…
10/02/2015/by SecretariatEuroISPA welcomes the Commission’s new Work Programme
The European Internet Service Providers Association (EuroISPA)…
16/12/2014/by Secretariat