Restoring legal certainty to transatlantic data transfers will boost digital innovation in the EU and US
Brussels – 12.07.2016: Today’s official adoption of the Privacy Shield data transfer framework is an important boost to digital innovation in the EU and US.
As representative of 2500 Internet Services Providers across Europe, EuroISPA has consistently advocated for a robust legal framework that ensures legal certainty and innovation while safeguarding our network users’ privacy and data protection.
On that basis, EuroISPA recognises the achievements of EU and US policymakers and national data protection authorities in securing a new agreement that can ensure trust in ever-advancing Internet-based services.
EuroISPA President Oliver Süme said: “European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises especially benefit from legal certainty around data transfers to the US. As the representative voice of the European Internet sector, EuroISPA urges all stakeholders to honour the commitments of the new Privacy Shield framework, an essential instrument to promote the innovative and empowering character of the Internet for the European economy