DSA in Focus: Beyond Content Removal
Join us for our upcoming online panel discussion of our 2021 series DSA in Focus: Beyond Content Removal. This is the second in a series of six events running from April until the end of 2021, in which we will be exploring and debating the main aspects of the Digital Services Act with policy experts. To secure a spot, please register here.
After our first event, which focused on notice and action procedures, our second panel discussion will examine measures going beyond content removal.
Our panellists, hailing from the public and the private sector, will talk about the DSA provisions on codes of conduct, the know your business customer principle, trusted flaggers, and risk mitigation for very large online platforms. They will debate the objectives of these measures, practical challenges for implementation, and possible ways forward.
As the Council and the European Parliament are intensifying discussions on the DSA, this event will provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas between policymakers, civil society, and industry representatives.
- Opening remarks: Mr Malcolm Hutty, Chair of EuroISPA’s Intermediary Liability Committee
- Moderation: Ms Alexandra Laffitte, President of EuroISPA
- Round-table discussion with:
- Mr Prabhat Agarwal, Head of Unit, E-Commerce and Platforms, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Mr Marco Pancini, Director Public Policy at YouTube
- Ms Heleen Uijt de Haag, Deputy Director Digital Economy Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, The Netherlands
- Q&A with audience
- Closing remarks
Don’t miss out, secure a spot here!