EuroISPA supports the European Parliament efforts to ensure a targeted network and information security in Europe
As part of the Security Alliance For Europe (SAFE), the European Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA) fully supports the Commission’s intention to improve network and information security in Europe. EuroISPA shares the view that a higher level of network and information security can only be ensured if it is targeted, proportional and focuses the scarce resources on protecting what is truly critical to a country’s economic and national security, public health and safety.
EuroISPA would like to call on the institutions of the European Union to follow the European Parliament’s focus on these critical infrastructures and functions. This would improve the overall network and information security, and ensure that for example small internet service providers don’t need to unnecessarily invest in implementing systems that would duplicate reports already sent out by critical service providers.
“EuroISPA agrees that understanding the risks and organizing effective protective measures is a complex undertaking that requires close cooperation between the public and private operators. Therefore we support the intention to create a dialogue involving these entities in order to improve collective preparedness and more effectively prevent, mitigate and deal with cyber incidents and threats,” said Maximilian Schubert, Chair of EuropISPA’s Cyber crime and Security Committee.