EuroISPA on Internet governance

Rising geopolitical tensions threaten the open and global Internet on several levels. We see global fragmentation and threats to the physical infrastructure, global fragmentation at the regulatory level, and increasing cybersecurity threats from bad actors, including states.

At the same time, overly restrictive regulations or centralised control mechanisms could stifle innovation and exclude smaller operators, which also face challenges when it comes to combatting advanced threats such as nation-state actors, ransomware, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

EuroISPA strongly supports the EU’s commitment to the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance, which has been instrumental in maintaining an open, free and secure Internet. The EU can strengthen the multistakeholder model through strong participation in and compliance with the processes of the relevant organisations, such as IGF, ICANN, IETF, etc. Future EU legislation should always be assessed in the light of extraterritoriality and its impact on the global competitiveness of the European IT industry.

At the same time, we invite the EU to encourage diversity in operators by cutting red tape and streamline cybersecurity compliance requirements, ensuring they are proportionate to the size and resources of the operators, without compromising security standards. In fact, developing and adhering to open, universally adopted standards would ensure that security measures are interoperable, scalable, and accessible to operators of all sizes.

Building collaborative frameworks that provide shared threat intelligence, affordable mitigation tools, and capacity-building support is essential to levelling the playing field and enhancing the overall security and resilience of the Internet.

EuroISPA also believe it is key to take into account emerging technologies risks, such as quantum computing ad switching, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Preparing for quantum-resilient cryptography, securing IoT devices, and ensuring ethical AI use must be priorities to prevent vulnerabilities from compromising the integrity of the Internet.

EuroISPA recently submitted its response to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on its stance on Internet

EuroISPA signs open letter in response to the Going Dark report

As part of our response to the High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement (HLG “Going Dark”), and following our reaction to their 42 recommendations, we raise our concerns about the HLG’s final report, together with a broad coalition of civil society groups, industry and professional associations,

As a matter of fact, the group recently presented recommendations that could pose a substantial threat to digital security and privacy for the EU and its citizens.

An EU security policy fit for the digital age must address the challenges we face today. Secure communications and legal certainty are imperative for citizens and law enforcement alike. In the light of potential threats by criminals, foreign state-sponsored agencies and even some authoritarian actors within the EU, people expect the institutions to prioritise policies that protect their IT-security and fundamental rights. That is why we recommend:

  • Support a safe, trustworthy and diversified digital ecosystem. Citizens need technology that empowers them instead of putting them at risk.
  • Ensure the security and confidentiality of digital spaces because the possibility for people to exercise their fundamental rights depend on it.
  • Uphold the right to privacy and inviolability of protected information. This is required by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and case law of the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights.

PRESS RELEASE: EuroISPA elects new leadership at General Meeting

Elina Ussa (FiCom) reconfirmed as President, Dalia Coffetti (AIIP) joins Lars Steffen (eco), Alex de Joode (AMS-IX) and Romain Bonenfant (FFTélécoms) as Officer of the EuroISPA Board

Brussels, 21 November 2024EuroISPA, the pan-European association of Internet Services Providers (ISPs) associations, elects new Board configuration during the General Meeting held on November 21, 2024, in Brussels.

EuroISPA is the representative body of over 3,300 Internet Services Providers across the European continent. Since 1997, EuroISPA functions as an ‘umbrella’ association representing ISP associations on policy and legislative issues and facilitates the exchange of best practices between members.

EuroISPA Council members gathered in Brussels for their last General Meeting of 2024, which saw the election of new members of the Board. Dalia Coffetti, of EuroISPA’s Italian member AIIP, was unanimously elected Board Member. She joins Elina Ussa (FiCom, President), Lars Steffen (eco, Vice-President), Alex de Joode (AMS-IX, Treasurer), and Romain Bonenfant (FFTélécoms, Board Member), who have been reconfirmed in their respective roles for another mandate of 2 years. The new Board will be leading the Association’s work until the end of 2026.

Dalia Coffetti, newly elected EuroISPA Board Member on behalf of AIIP, stated: “I am honoured to be chosen to serve in the Board of EuroISPA, to actively contribute to the day-to-day activities of the Association and promote the interests of its members. I am looking forward to sharing the experience, vision and needs of all ISPs daily engaged in the digitalisation of the European Union and who, over the last decades, have contributed to building a competitive and innovative ecosystem that is close to the needs of European consumers”.

EuroISPA is committed to fostering the growth of an innovative and fair European Internet ecosystem, encouraging the continued development of a free and open telecommunications market, as highlighted in the EuroISPA Manifesto for the EU 2024-2029 Mandate. The work of the Association in 2025 will focus on engaging with newly-elected EU policymakers to work together towards achieving a fully functioning internal market, a long-term vision on privacy online, a harmonised European strategy for cybersecurity, and legislative coherence for digital infrastructure.

Elina Ussa, re-appointed President of the Association, said: “I am honoured by the trust that EuroISPA members have decided to put in me once again. I am looking forward to continuing working with this dedicated group of Officers to contribute to the ambitious goals that we have put forward in our Manifesto. Continuity in leadership will be beneficial to the work of the Association in times of changing EU landscape our members are navigating in. I am also delighted to welcome Dalia to the Board of EuroISPA, our members can count on one more expert to lead the Association into 2025 and beyond”.


Achieving sustainability in Europe’s digital sector

What steps can be taken so that the telecoms sector is a frontrunner in achieving Europe’s sustainability goals? How can we ensure a sustainable and climate neutral digitalisation in Europe?

EuroISPA puts forward 5 key actions to address sustainability challenges for the digital ecosystem and European economy:

  1. Digital technologies and infrastructures are key to allow the green transition and to achieve greater sustainability.
  2. More can be done to address sustainability challenges.
  3. Sustainability should be embedded in the whole digital supply chain.
  4. Data centres are the cornerstone for untapping the potential of digitalisation to drive decarbonisation.
  5. Promoting investments of data centres located in the European Union would underpin the greening of the EU economy.


EuroISPA signs joint industry statement on data processing for AI model training

In a joint statement addressed to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), EuroISPA and 14 leading European and national trade associations urge the EDPB to adopt a balanced and pragmatic interpretation of GDPR. A thoughtful look into the interplay of the GDPR and the AI Act will be key to make AI “made in Europe” a reality.

EuroISPA reacts to the 42 Recommendations of the High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement

EuroISPA welcomes the work and efforts of the European Commission’s High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement on promoting a high level of security and an effective approach to fighting
crime and other challenges through the proposed 42 Recommendations.

Earlier this year, the European Commission’s High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement out forward 42 recommendations for the further development of EU policies and legislation to enhance and improve access to data for effective law enforcement.

In anticipation of the upcoming discussions of the HLG at the end of the year, EuroISPA would like to take this opportunity to react and give constructive feedback to the recommendations, highlighting some elements that require a careful approach besides further thinking.

EuroISPA welcomes the work and efforts of the Group in promoting a high level of security and an effective approach to fighting crime and other challenges through the proposed 42 Recommendations.

However, EuroISPA is concerned with some proposed recommendations that could weaken encryption, which is a fundamental tool to protect European citizens’ fundamental right to privacy.

Moreover, we underline the need to carefully assess any further measures that can put more burden on European actors, especially the smallest ones.

Finally, any additional measures should take into account the complex value chain that characterises the different ECSs (Electronic Communications Services); any unclear measure might lead to loopholes, further uncertainty when conducting business, as well as threats to the security and the integrity of networks.

Data Retention Rules in Belgium: uncertainty remains after third Constitutional Court ruling

The debate surrounding Belgium’s data retention legislation is far from over, despite recent decisions by the Constitutional Court. While some elements of the law have been upheld, the future of this legislation now hinges on the rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) regarding the remaining contested sections. ISPA Belgium is closely following these developments as they have a direct impact on our members and the broader internet ecosystem in Belgium.

A long legal journey

Belgium’s data retention law, which seeks to comply with a European directive aimed at retaining mobile phone data, has faced significant legal hurdles over the years. In 2015, the Belgian Constitutional Court annulled the original legislation, deeming it too vague after a legal challenge by the Human Rights League, among others. A second attempt in 2021 was also struck down by the Court.

Now, the latest ruling by the Constitutional Court on the 2022 version of the data retention law shows some movement in the right direction. Certain key aspects were approved this time, including the concept of targeted data retention within specific geographical zones, also known as differentiated data retention. This provision allows for data retention in zones where there is heightened risk of serious crime or threats to public safety, a change from earlier laws that treated the entire country as a single entity.

Concerns remain

It is true that some legal guidelines have been established, providing much-needed reassurance for the ISP sector. However, with some aspects of the law still lacking clarity, unresolved issues pose technical challenges and create legal uncertainty for the internet ecosystem.

As a matter of fact, the future of Belgium’s data retention framework is still undecided. The Constitutional Court has referred several questions to the ECJ for clarification, particularly around how the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights should be interpreted in this context.

Striking the balance

A major area of concern for Belgian ISPs remains the issue of retaining geolocation data by mobile network operators. While the need for balance between ensuring public safety and upholding fundamental rights is recognised, the outcome of the ECJ rulings will play a decisive role in shaping how this balance is achieved, also on this aspect.


The legal landscape for data retention in Belgium continues to evolve, with both progress and uncertainties on the horizon. The focus of ISPA Belgium is to remain engaged in these discussions, and to ensure that the rights of citizens are respected while addressing the technical and legal challenges that our members face. As we await further developments from the ECJ, our commitment to advocating for balanced and effective policies remains steadfast.

It is crucial that the need to combat crime does not come at the cost of citizens’ fundamental right to privacy. ISPA remains committed to advocating for balanced, well-defined legislation that safeguards both public security and privacy.

ISPA Belgium

EuroISPA Council Member

EuroISPA General Meeting in Brussels: a recap

Brussels, September 23-24, 2024

Last week, the EuroISPA community travelled to Brussels for the third General Meeting of the year, gathering Council and Forum members, Board Officers and Secretariat, in the EuroISPA offices.

With the European elections now behind us, a new insitutional and political scenario slowly forming, and an entire EU agenda still to shape, our members gathered to discuss the next steps for EuroISPA to expand its connections with newly-elected EU policymakers and contribute to new (and old) policy files that will be on the agenda in the next months.

The two-day meeting covered:

📌 The confirmation of Whalebone as a new EuroISPA Industry Forum member

📌 An analsys of the proposed new college of Commissioners and what this means for EuroISPA’s activities

📌 EuroISPA’s engagement strategy to approach new policymakers and share our messages for the new EU mandate

📌 Exchange on several EuroISPA statements on topics such as sustainability, GDPR, AI, CSAM and payments.

Finally, we had the pleasure of welcoming several guest speakers:

  • Eric Ducoulombier, Head of Unit B3 on Retail Financial services, DG FISMA, European Commission, on addressing impersonation fraud in payments, with a focus on cooperation, consumer awareness, and liability
  • Dan Nechita, Head of Cabinet of Dragoş Tudorache and Lead technical negotiator for the AI Act in the 9th European Parliament, on the challenges and opportunities for the Internet industry and the role of the AI Office after the adoption of the AI Act
  • Anja Wyrobek, Advisor to MEP Birgit Sippel, LIBE Committee, on the future of privacy and data for the Internet industry and the interplay with AI

The next EuroISPA General Meeting will be held in Brussels in November – stay tuned!

PRESS RELEASE: EuroISPA welcomes new member, Whalebone

Brussels, 25 September 2024 EuroISPA, the pan-European association of Internet Services Providers Associations welcomes a new Forum member: Whalebone, a Czech developer of user-centric cybersecurity products. With Whalebone’s addition, EuroISPA’s Industry Forum currently allows ten companies with a legitimate interest in the Internet industry to participate in EuroISPA’s activities, acting in an advisory capacity and providing input on relevant policy issues.

Lorenzo Bracci, Account Executive at Whalebone, commented: “We are pleased to begin a collaboration of Whalebone with EuroISPA. As consortium leader of the DNS4EU project, Whalebone commits to the shared vision of a safe, private, and independent European digital space, thus opening new opportunities to both ISPs and their customers”.

EuroISPA is the representative body of Internet Services Providers (ISPs) across the European continent, creating a common voice aimed at promoting and protecting the interests of its members. Active since 1997, EuroISPA functions as an ‘umbrella’ association representing ISP associations on policy and legislative issues and facilitates the exchange of best practices between members.

Elina Ussa, President of EuroISPA, said: “We are delighted that Whalebone is joining our community as the newest addition to the EuroISPA Industry Forum. At EuroISPA, we highly value the input of companies, and we believe that Whalebone, with their extraordinary work on cybersecurity, will bring a topical perspective and represent a great addition to the activities of the Forum. This valuable enlargement of our membership strengthens our position as a prominent stakeholder and representative body in the sector”.

Established in 2016 in the Czech Republic with the goal of redefining digital security, Whalebone has since become the official provider of secure DNS resolution for the European Union and a globally recognised market leader in telco network security. Whalebone develops user-centric cybersecurity products for telcos, ISPs, and enterprises, and provides digital life protection to millions of everyday Internet users without the need to download anything.

Richard Malovic, CEO at Whalebone, added: “We believe that Whalebone contributes to a new standard, where the Internet connection itself would be the guarantor of security, and thus to be connected will mean to be protected”.

About Whalebone

Whalebone brings next-generation digital life protection to T1 telcos, regional ISPs, and enterprises all over the world. Their products already protect more than 400 companies and millions of their customers from malware, phishing schemes, and other malicious attacks targeted at all types of Internet-connected devices. Whalebone’s mission is to bring cybersecurity to 1 billion Internet users by the end of the decade.

For more information: [email protected]

PRESS RELEASE: Point Topic joins EuroISPA, the world’s largest association of ISPs, to foster cooperation on European digital policy development

Brussels, 10 September 2024 ­­– EuroISPA, the pan-European association of Internet Services Providers Associations, officially welcomed its new Forum member Point Topic Ltd, a London-based broadband market intelligence house. With Point Topic’s addition, EuroISPA’s Industry Forum can now rely on nine companies active in the Internet industry to participate in the Association’s activities under an advisory capacity.

EuroISPA is the representative body of Internet Services Providers (ISPs) across the European continent. Founded in 1997, EuroISPA functions as an ‘umbrella’ association representing nine national ISP associations on policy and legislative issues and facilitates the exchange of best practices between members. EuroISPA engages at EU level on behalf of its members on a wide range of policy issues, including intermediary liability, data protection, cybersecurity and safer Internet. The association is structured around different, topical, Committees, which allow members to regularly exchange ideas and views on specific policy matters and dossiers.

“Joining EuroISPA is an essential step for Point Topic in strengthening our commitment to the development of a robust and fair Internet services framework in Europe. We are excited to contribute our data-driven insights and collaborate with fellow EuroISPA Industry and Council members to foster an environment conducive to innovation and competitiveness,” said Oliver Johnson, CEO of Point Topic.

Point Topic has been at the heart of European broadband data for many years. In addition to regular data gathering and analysis for a range of private sector clients, the company has run numerous projects for the European Commission and still contributes to the Broadband Coverage in Europe study with the latest in the annual series published recently.

Elina Ussa, President of EuroISPA, said: “We are delighted to be welcoming Point Topic as the newest addition to the EuroISPA Industry Forum. Thanks to their extensive research and broad client base that includes ISPs, operators, policymakers, and academic institutions, I am confident that Point Topic will provide valuable advice to EuroISPA’s Council members, actively contributing to and enhancing our discussions on the policy issues impacting the European Internet industry and supporting us in achieving our goal of defending the interests of European ISPs at EU level”.

“At the core of what we do every day is bringing more broadband to more people.  We make a small but important and ongoing contribution to the spread of high bandwidths and all the benefits that come with it.  We believe our values align well with EuroISPA and their members and we are committed to supporting EuroISPA’s goals and collaborating towards a prosperous and interconnected European digital future together,” concluded Johnson.

About Point Topic Ltd 

Founded in 1998, Point Topic specialises in providing high-quality data and analysis on global broadband development. Celebrating its 25th year, Point Topic continues to be a key resource for industry data, influencing strategic decisions across the UK and Europe. Learn more at

For more information: [email protected]